Our Device

Set Up in Minutes

The Swiftlet Nest is designed to go from a paper weight to a powerhouse in minutes. From unboxing to your full connectivity is simple, and quick.

Place It Anywhere

Our device is completely wireless - as it should be. Powered by batteries and the magic of WiFi, you can take your Swiftlet Nest anywhere your WiFi network can reach.

Secured for the Digital Age

We take security seriously. Our security philosophy runs from the data collected on your device to the metrics presented on your console, and everywhere inbetween.

Our Platform

A Console for Your Store

All of your store's Swiftlet data is neatly packaged on your console. Access metrics, reports, and device status all from the comfort of your computer.

A Cloud for Your Data

Your data is encrypted and securely stored in the wonderous cloud where it can grow as big as your store's vision, and then a little more.

Integrations for Your World

Swiftlet has the nifty ability to integrate with other major platforms to bring your insights to you in the most convinient way. We provide integrations to help power your store.